Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hey Guys!

I am such a bad person I have not being keeping up on this like I should be. Life is crazy right now and I've been going through a lot of changes. Since the last time we talked, I've learned a lot about life. I am going to tell you some of these things and please talk to me if you have any questions or want to know more.

  1. In high school, you are going to lose friends. I never believed people when they said that, but I have lost many friends. But I've also gained a lot. Basically, in high school you will learn who is really there to support you.
  2. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. I had this story we had to write for a creative writing class. When I wrote this story, I thought it was really well written. I was in love with the story and couldn't be more excited to turn it in. Well, when I got it back I had received a really bad grade. My teacher hated it and gave me a bad grade just because he didn't agree with how the story ended. I was mad and hurt. I thought maybe I should stop writing stories. But I learned that just because he doesn't like my story doesn't mean I had to. Don't let others impact what you like.
  3. If you have someone in your life who is making you miserable, DON'T LET THEM MAKE YOU FEEL THAT WAY! I'm still working on this one. I had a friend who made me feel like total crap. She always put me down and made fun of people close to me. I let her get to me and always got so insulted. I've learned that instead of blowing up in their face and telling them how you feel and expecting them to change isn't going to work. Just don't let it get to you. I know you are rolling your eyes because that's what I would do too. But trust me, since I've been ignoring the words coming out of her mouth, I've been much happier. But let me clarify, DON'T BE RUDE TO THEM! When I say ignore, I don't mean don't make eye contact or don't talk to them. I just mean that you can be nice, listen to them, laugh at their jokes, and just let them run their mouth. But you can listen and not take things to heart. For example, say your friend starts insulting your boyfriend. Instead of saying, "You are so annoying! Seriously stop talking like that!" Just laugh it off and pretend they never said that. Once you find a way to do this, life will improve.

That's all I have for today. I'll talk to you guys later!

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